Outdoor Climbing Meetup 6/2/2024

Sunday, June 2nd, 10am-2pm
Invisible Wall (Santa Barbara)

To kick off Pride Month, we’re holding a casual outdoor top rope meetup this weekend at Invisible Wall!

We will be meeting at the west fork of the Cold Spring Trail off of Gibralter Road at 10am. This is a large turnout on the right side of the road, about 3 miles after turning onto Gibralter Rd (searching for West Fork Trailhead should get your navigation pointed in the right direction).
Our limited library of shoes will be available, as well as a few harnesses and helmets to share. If you need to borrow gear, please show up on time!

We will also provide ropes and set up a couple anchors for everyone to use. Even if you aren’t interested in climbing, you are more than welcome to join us and hang out at the crag. 

Accessibility: The approach is a 10 minute hike and parts of the trail may require scrambling over steep, loose terrain. 

Hope to see you there!

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